Web Hosting
Our web hosting plans provide a solution for small to medium-sized businesses that have websites critical to their success. Our servers are located in the Northern California data center at Amazon Web Services (AWS). Utilizing ec2 instances, block SSD storage and tight security controls on inbound/outbound connections we keep your hosting fast, secure and reliable.
You can see our simple web hosting pricing here. Our web hosting services are ideal for hosting websites built on Linux, PHP, MySQL or HTML. We currently offer PHP versions 5.6, 7.0, 7.1 and 7.2. We are currently PCI compliant and strive to continue to remain PCI compliant. If you are looking for WordPress web hosting or regular web hosting our solution is perfect for that. Below is a list of other common shopping carts/scripts customers host on our server:
Straight HTML sites
Straight PHP websites
We simply take the pain/maintenance out of your web hosting while keeping it secure/fast by updating regularly and performing all best practices for security.
All of our web hosting plans include:
Nightly offsite backups (retained for 30 days)
Nightly onsite backups (retained for 30 days)
Free SSL certificate via AutoSSL provided by Cpanel.
Nightly virus/malware scanning of files.
Proactive uptime monitoring every minute. If your website goes down we will get notified via text, slack and email and react accordingly.
Dedicated Cpanel access to your hosting to manage FTP, databases, SSL, logging, cron jobs, virus scanning, error logging and many other aspects of your web hosting.
Monthly patches/security updates.
The piece of mind of being able to call someone who is knowledgeable and answers the phone if something goes wrong.
We also offer web maintenance at a discounted rate for customers who choose to host with us. You can see our web hosting pricing here.